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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

How to reduce knee pain Effectively too exercise rubber bands

How to reduce knee pain Effectively too exercise rubber bands Knee pain can occur at any age. But the older I get The greater the risk of knee pain. Especially those who are overweight. Including people with bone and joint problems, they may face pain from knee pain more quickly. and more than

How to fix “sleep spasms” for a restful sleep

How to fix “sleep spasms” for a restful sleep Each day we should sleep no less than 8 hours in order to have energy to do various activities the next day. Some people feel that they have had enough sleep. But still wake up feeling tired

Proper diet for patients with “pulmonary tuberculosis”

Proper diet for patients with “pulmonary tuberculosis“ Dr. Somsak Akkasilp, Director-General of the Department of Medical Services,   revealed that tuberculosis is a major public health problem in Thailand. Both general tuberculosis Tuberculosis and AIDS Multidrug resistant tuberculosis In order to rehabilitate tuberculosis patients to be healthy , strengthening the body’s immunity is

Acid reflux from stress Dangerous if not treated

Acid reflux from stress Dangerous if not treated Gastroesophageal reflux disease can be found in all genders and ages, often with a burning sensation in the middle of the chest or belching. or have chest pain as well The disease can interfere with daily life. or spoil personality But if left

5 things should know before starting “eat clean”

5 things you should know before starting to “eat clean” and eating incorrectly. Risk your body from being damaged without realizing it. The trend of taking care of your own health is coming on strong. In addition to exercising, there is also a matter of “clean eating” that young women are