For those who are not in the group of people who should not drink mineral water, but want to drink mineral water every day to improve their health, I must first say that mineral water is truly beneficial to health, as many people understand. But you must be careful about the negative effects that will follow. It is recommended that you do not drink mineral water frequently. And continuously in large quantities every day. You should drink it alternately with regular water. Let’s consider the advantages and disadvantages.

- Consuming mineral water daily will ensure that the body receives enough of these essential minerals.
- Mineral water is also a good source of hydration, which is important for overall health. Proper hydration is essential for regulating body temperature.
- Lubricates joints and aids in digestion.
- Choosing to drink mineral water instead of other beverages not only helps quench your thirst but also saturates your body with essential minerals.
- Helps relieve symptoms of heartburn or acid reflux.
- Mineral water has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, which may be beneficial for people with diabetes or metabolic syndrome.
- The potential risks of consuming mineral water, kidney stones , and concerns about diseases associated with drinking too much mineral water must be considered.
- Possible negative effects on dental health, imbalances or toxicity from excessive mineral consumption
How to drink mineral water for good health
By now, everyone should know who shouldn’t drink mineral water. And for the general public who want to drink it to improve their health, what are the advantages and disadvantages of mineral water? For anyone who wants to drink mineral water for good health, ufabet they need to know how to drink it correctly. This will prevent negative effects. Let’s see how to drink mineral water to be good.

How to drink mineral water for good health
- Drinking a large amount of mineral water in a short period of time, 1 liter, within 30 minutes on an empty stomach will help flush out the stones from the body. It is recommended not to drink before going to bed because it will make you unable to sleep due to having to go to the bathroom frequently.
- Drink it little by little. First, drink 500 ml., then 10 ml. of mineral water per kilogram of body weight. Sip it little by little. It will help with fatigue and make you feel more refreshed.
- Drinking 500-700 ml of mineral water before starting exercise can help reduce the chances of developing acidosis.
- Mineral water containing more than 50 mg/L of magnesium helps prevent and treat constipation and stimulates the intestines to work better.